Independent contractor - Business number: BE0588.802.272
Do you need a Windows program for your specific needs?
I can design and implement it for you, using Embarcadero Delphi (former Borland/Codegear, based on the Pascal language).
With my background as an experimental physicist & math teacher I specialize in programs that need complex mathematics, statistics, astronomy, physics, etc. I especially like methodological problems and the design of algorithms.
My experience: complex astrology software (involving graphics, statistics, astronomical calculations, RTF/HTML/PDF reports, customer and geographical database, copy protection, user interface in 4 languages...), language training software (dictionary and grammar lessons for the Serbian language), address database (with snail and e-mailings), psychological tests, curve fitting, crystal shape drawing, analysis of biomechanical data, spectrometry, interpretation of scanned images, bioritm calculation, random generator data analysis (for parapsychological research)...
You need someone who speaks more than one language? I like to learn languages. My native tongue is Flemish (the same as Dutch just like American is the same as English), and I have studied English, French, German, and some Italian, Spanish and Serbian.
I can also do websites, if they are not too complicated (like this one).
I live in Belgium, but I can work for you wherever you live. My rates start from 40€ per hour (excl. VAT), depending on the complexity. However, if you need a program that I can commercialize, I may do it much cheaper or even for free.
Please contact me if you have an interesting idea for a project: